--51) --连接查询 select distinct a.* from kuangshenshen.course a, kuangshenshen.teacher_course b, kuangshenshen.teacher c, kuangshenshen.department d where a.cno = b.cno and b.tno = c.tno and c.dno = d.dno and dname = '软件学院' --不相关子查询 select * from kuangshenshen.course where cno in ( select cno from kuangshenshen.teacher_course where tno in ( select tno from kuangshenshen.teacher where dno in ( select dno from kuangshenshen.department where dname = '软件学院' ) ) ) --相关子查询 select * from kuangshenshen.course a where exists ( select * from kuangshenshen.teacher_course b where b.cno = a.cno and exists ( select * from kuangshenshen.teacher c where c.tno = b.tno and exists ( select * from kuangshenshen.department d where d.dno = c.dno and dname = '软件学院' ) ) ) --52) --连接查询 select distinct sno, a.cno, score from kuangshenshen.student_course a, kuangshenshen.teacher_course b, yyh.teacher c, kuangshenshen.department d where a.cno = b.cno and b.tno = c.tno and c.dno = d.dno and dname = '软件学院' order by a.cno desc --不相关子查询 select sno, cno, score from kuangshenshen.student_course where cno in ( select cno from kuangshenshen.teacher_course where tno in ( select tno from kuangshenshen.teacher where dno in ( select dno from kuangshenshen.department where dname = '软件学院' ) ) ) order by cno desc --相关子查询 select sno, cno, score from kuangshenshen.student_course a where exists ( select * from kuangshenshen.teacher_course b where b.cno = a.cno and exists ( select * from kuangshenshen.teacher c where c.tno = b.tno and exists ( select * from kuangshenshen.department d where d.dno = c.dno and dname = '软件学院' ) ) ) order by cno desc --53) --连接查询+不相关子查询 select tname, dname from kuangshenshen.teacher a, kuangshenshen.department b where tno not in ( select tno from kuangshenshen.teacher_course ) and a.dno = b.dno --连接查询+相关子查询 select tname, dname from kuangshenshen.teacher a, kuangshenshen.department b where not exists ( select * from kuangshenshen.teacher_course c where c.tno = a.tno )and a.dno = b.dno --差操作 select tname, dname from kuangshenshen.teacher a, kuangshenshen.department b where a.dno = b.dno except select distinct tname, dname from kuangshenshen.teacher_course a, kuangshenshen.department b, kuangshenshen.teacher c where a.tno = c.tno and c.dno = b.dno --54) --连接查询 select pno, COUNT(tno) from kuangshenshen.teacher a, kuangshenshen.department b where a.dno = b.dno and dname = '软件学院' group by pno --不相关子查询 select pno, COUNT(tno) from kuangshenshen.teacher where tno in ( select tno from kuangshenshen.teacher where dno in ( select dno from kuangshenshen.department where dname = '软件学院' ) ) group by pno --相关子查询 select pno, COUNT(tno) from kuangshenshen.teacher a where exists ( select * from kuangshenshen.teacher b where b.tno = a.tno and exists ( select * from kuangshenshen.department c where c.dno = b.dno and dname = '软件学院' ) ) group by pno --55) --建立视图法 create view avg_3 as select AVG(score) savg from kuangshenshen.student_course a, kuangshenshen.course b where a.cno = b.cno and cname = '数据结构' select b.* from kuangshenshen.student_course a, kuangshenshen.student b, kuangshenshen.course c where a.sno = b.sno and c.cno = a.cno and cname = '数据结构' and score > ( select savg from avg_3 ) --连接+嵌套查询 select b.* from kuangshenshen.student_course a, kuangshenshen.student b, kuangshenshen.course c where a.sno = b.sno and c.cno = a.cno and cname = '数据结构' and score > ( select AVG(score) savg from kuangshenshen.student_course d, kuangshenshen.course e where d.cno = e.cno and cname = '数据结构' ) --56) select a.sno, sname, tname, cname, score from kuangshenshen.student a, kuangshenshen.teacher b, ykuangshenshen.course c, kuangshenshen.student_course d, kuangshenshen.teacher_course e where a.sno = d.sno and b.tno = e.tno and d.cno = c.cno and e.cno = d.cno --57) --连接查询 select distinct classno from kuangshenshen.teacher_course a, kuangshenshen.teacher b, kuangshenshen.department c where a.tno = b.tno and b.dno = c.dno and dname = '法政学院' and semester = '1' --不相关子查询 select distinct classno from kuangshenshen.teacher_course where tno in ( select tno from kuangshenshen.teacher where dno in ( select dno from kuangshenshen.department where dname = '法政学院' ) ) --相关子查询 select distinct classno from kuangshenshen.teacher_course a where exists ( select * from kuangshenshen.teacher b where b.tno = a.tno and exists ( select * from kuangshenshen.department c where c.dno = b.dno and dname = '法政学院' ) ) --58) --连接查询 select a.tno, tname from kuangshenshen.teacher a, kuangshenshen.teacher_course b where a.tno = b.tno and semester = '2' and classroom like '公教楼%' --不相关子查询 select tno, tname from kuangshenshen.teacher where tno in ( select tno from kuangshenshen.teacher_course where semester = '2' and classroom like '公教楼%' ) --59) --连接查询 select cname, AVG(score) from kuangshenshen.course a, kuangshenshen.student b, kuangshenshen.student_course c, kuangshenshen.department d where a.cno = c.cno and b.dno = d.dno and b.sno = c.sno and dname = '数信学院' group by cname --连接+不相关子查询 select cname, AVG(score) from kuangshenshen.course a, kuangshenshen.student_course b where score in ( select score from kuangshenshen.student_course where sno in ( select sno from kuangshenshen.student where dno in ( select dno from kuangshenshen.department where dname = '数信学院' ) ) )and a.cno = b.cno group by cname --60) select * from kuangshenshen.student a where not exists ( select * from kuangshenshen.course b where not exists ( select * from kuangshenshen.student_course c where c.cno = b.cno and a.sno = c.sno ) ) select * from kuangshenshen.student a, ( select a.sno, COUNT(cno) sc_num from kuangshenshen.student a, kuangshenshen.student_course b where exists ( select * from kuangshenshen.student_course c where a.sno = c.sno )and a.sno = b.sno group by a.sno ) b where a.sno = b.sno and b.sc_num = (select COUNT(cno) cnum from yyh.course) --61) select * from kuangshenshen.student a where not exists ( select * from kuangshenshen.teacher_course b, kuangshenshen.teacher c where b.tno = c.tno and tname = '鲁婵娟' and not exists ( select * from kuangshenshen.student_course d where d.cno = b.cno and d.sno = a.sno ) ) --62) select * from kuangshenshen.student where classno in ( select classno from kuangshenshen.student where sname = '张小兵' ) except select * from kuangshenshen.student where sname = '张小兵' select * from kuangshenshen.student where classno in ( select classno from kuangshenshen.student where sname = '张小兵' )and sno != ( select sno from kuangshenshen.student where sname = '张小兵' ) --63) select * from kuangshenshen.student where DATEPART(YY, birthday) = ( select DATEPART(YY, birthday) from kuangshenshen.student where sname = '刘英伟' ) except select * from kuangshenshen.student where sname = '刘英伟' select * from kuangshenshen.student a where exists ( select * from kuangshenshen.student b where DATEPART(YY, a.birthday) = DATEPART(YY, b.birthday) and sname = '刘英伟 ' ) except select * from kuangshenshen.student where sname = '刘英伟' --64) --不相关子查询 select * from kuangshenshen.student where sno in ( select sno from kuangshenshen.student_course group by sno having COUNT(cno) > 3 ) --相关子查询 select * from kuangshenshen.student a where exists ( select * from kuangshenshen.student_course b where a.sno = b.sno group by sno having COUNT(cno) > 3 ) select * from kuangshenshen.student a where 3 < ( select COUNT(cno) from kuangshenshen.student_course b where a.sno = b.sno ) --65) --不相关子查询 select * from kuangshenshen.student where classno in ( select classno from kuangshenshen.student where sex = '女' group by classno having COUNT(sno) >= 2 ) --相关子查询 select * from kuangshenshen.student a where exists ( select * from kuangshenshen.student b where a.classno = b.classno and sex = '女' group by classno having COUNT(sno) >= 2 ) select * from kuangshenshen.student a where 2 <= ( select COUNT(sno) from kuangshenshen.student b where a.classno = b.classno and sex = '女' ) --66) --连接查询 select * from kuangshenshen.teacher a, kuangshenshen.department b where a.dno = b.dno and dname = '软件学院' and 2018 - DATEPART(YY, birthday) < 25 --相关子查询 select * from kuangshenshen.teacher a where exists ( select * from kuangshenshen.department b where a.dno = b.dno and dname = '软件学院' and 2018 - DATEPART(YY, birthday) < 25 ) --不相关子查询 select * from kuangshenshen.teacher where dno in ( select dno from kuangshenshen.department where dname = '软件学院' )and 2018 - DATEPART(YY, birthday) < 25 --67) --视图+集合查询 create view class_avg as select cno, AVG(score) cavg from kuangshenshen.student_course group by cno select a.* from kuangshenshen.student a, kuangshenshen.student_course b where a.sno = b.sno except select distinct a.* from kuangshenshen.student a, kuangshenshen.student_course b, class_avg c where a.sno = b.sno and b.cno = c.cno and score > cavg --子表+集合查询 select * from kuangshenshen.student a where exists ( select * from kuangshenshen.student_course b where a.sno = b.sno ) except select * from kuangshenshen.student a where exists ( select * from kuangshenshen.student_course b where a.sno = b.sno and exists ( select * from (select cno, AVG(score) cavg from kuangshenshen.student_course group by cno) c where c.cno = b.cno and score > cavg ) ) --68) select sno no, sname name from kuangshenshen.student where 2018 - DATEPART(YY, birthday) < 23 and sex = '女' union select tno no, tname name from kuangshenshen.teacher where 2018 - DATEPART(YY, birthday) < 23 and sex = '女' --69) select * from kuangshenshen.teacher where tno not in ( select tno from kuangshenshen.teacher_course ) --70) select * from kuangshenshen.student where classno = '3' and sex = '女' --更新 --1) update kuangshenshen.student set sage += 1 where 2018 - DATEPART(YY, birthday) < 18 and sex = '男' --2) update kuangshenshen.teacher set tel = '83421236' where tname = '王英' --3) update kuangshenshen.teacher_course set classroom = 'D403' where cno = ( select cno from kuangshenshen.course where cname = '数据结构' ) --4) update kuangshenshen.student_course set score += 5 where cno = ( select cno from kuangshenshen.course where cname = '数据库原理' )and score < 70 --5) update kuangshenshen.student_course set score += 10 where sno in ( select sno from kuangshenshen.student where dno in ( select dno from kuangshenshen.department where dname = '软件学院' ) )and cno in ( select cno from kuangshenshen.course where cname = '高等数学' ) --6) update kuangshenshen.student set tel = null where dno in ( select dno from kuangshenshen.department where dname = '数信学院' ) --7) delete from kuangshenshen.student_course where score = null --8) delete from kuangshenshen.student where sname like '%强%' --9) delete from kuangshenshen.student where dno in ( select dno from kuangshenshen.department where dname = '数信学院' )and sex = '女' --10) delete from kuangshenshen.student where DATEPART(YY, entime) < 2000 --11) delete from kuangshenshen.teacher_course where tno in ( select tno from kuangshenshen.teacher where dno in ( select dno from kuangshenshen.department where dname = '软件学院' ) ) --12) create view course_avg as select cno, AVG(score) cavg from kuangshenshen.student_course group by cno update kuangshenshen.course set credit += 1 where cno in ( select cno from course_avg where cavg in ( select MAX(cavg) from course_avg ) ) --13) update kuangshenshen.student_course set score *= 1.1 where cno in ( select cno from kuangshenshen.course where experiment = 36 ) --14) delete from kuangshenshen.teacher where tno not in ( select tno from kuangshenshen.teacher_course ) --视图 --1) create view teacher_w as select * from kuangshenshen.teacher where sex = '女' --2) create view stu_class2 as select sno, sname, sex, dno from kuangshenshen.student where dno in ( select dno from kuangshenshen.department where dname = '数信学院' )and classno = '2' --3) create view dep_num as select b.dno, COUNT(sno) num from kuangshenshen.student a, kuangshenshen.department b where a.dno = b.dno group by b.dno --4) create view course_avg as select a.cno, cname, AVG(score) cavg from kuangshenshen.student_course a, kuangshenshen.course b group by a.cno, cname having AVG(score) > 90 --5) create view teacher_num as select tno, COUNT(sno) from kuangshenshen.teacher_course a, kuangshenshen.student_course b where a.cno = b.cno group by tno --6) select dname from kuangshenshen.department a, kuangshenshen.student b where a.dno = b.dno group by dname having COUNT(sno) > 500 --7 select COUNT(sno) from kuangshenshen.student_course a, kuangshenshen.teacher_course b, kuangshenshen.teacher c where a.cno = b.cno and b.tno = c.tno and tname = '王强'